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first kicks

First kicks

A fun football class for three year olds

First kicks is  a fun based approach to introduce key football skills and is ideal for three year old children.

They will learn football skills such as dribbling with a ball, learning the inside of your foot and the outside of the foot, and stopping the ball. Learning how to move with the ball around cones and then learning where you can shoot into the goals.

We want to capture the young footballers interest and let them learn to have a life long love of football.
However we never forget that the basic skills and activities are important, keeping them short and sweet which helps with their attention spans

Children are introduced to the basics of football (dribbling, striking, goal scoring etc.) in a play-oriented yet structured format, using child-friendly football equipment. Each child is given the opportunity to work within their ability level but taught in a group environment. Classes also provide a fantastic opportunity for you to assist in your child’s early education, helping them develop physically as well as improving cognitive and social skills.

We want to improve their key skills such as speed agility and balance and co-ordination. We want it to be fun and enjoyable for both boys and girls at such a young age. All fun for children to enjoy with our amazing coaching staff.  Our courses  with Lee Sterry Sports Coaching are all about learning through play.

  • we have big emphasis on fun engaging and skill based games
  • we want to create a professional learning environment, introducing the children with fun games with the football
  • we want to improve their key skills such as speed agility and balance and co-ordination
  • we want it to be fun and enjoyable for both boys and girls at such a young age
  • we operate in a nurturing, supportive, warm, caring manner and all our equipment involved is safe and child friendly.

Our Coaches at Lee Sterry Sports Coaching are amazing with all the children and want to make sure they all enjoy their time with us.

  • Lee Sterry has an excellent group of coaches who have taught my little boy football skills in a fun and relaxed environment.

    Lee Sterry is very professional and very welcoming for the children. Great value for money!

  • Ben really looks forward to his Saturday morning football class. This is a very well run course with emphasis on developing skills in a fun way.

  • Our 3 year old really loves the football class! We can’t speak highly enough of Lee and his other coaches who create a fun and encouraging atmosphere for the children.

  • Isaac loves to be part of the team and learn new skills. I love to watch him listen and follow instructions as it never happens at home! The coaches are really good at controlling the kids and getting the best out of them. The great thing is that you can see the coaches having fun and enjoying their time too. I would recommend the courses to anyone as it builds confidence, skills, and above all, it’s fun!

  • An amazing course, a great introduction to football. Lee and the boys really engage the children, my son has lots of fun and he will be defiantly signing up for the next course!

  • We are now doing this course for the second time, Lee and his team do an excellent job and I would highly recommend it.

  • My son really looks forward to football on a Saturday morning. It’s amazing to see the improvement in his concentration and listening as well as his ball skills all in a matter of a few week.

  • The class is great for football beginners. Lee and the other guys are really good at engaging with the kids, making the classes fun as well as developing football skills. I would highly recommend it

  • A brilliant course, both my 5 and 3 year olds love it! I have never seen such a well organised group of 3 year olds! They have both learned so much and not just about football but teamwork and listening. I would not hesitate to recommend this course.

Book First Kicks Classes

You can book our classes and pay online with our Class For Kids booking system.

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